Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Recruitment of "Graduate Engineer" to the post of Junior Telecom Officer (Civil & Electrical) from the Open Market through GATE Score-2019: (Advt. No. - 12-1 / 2018-Rectt)
Total No of Posts: 198 Posts
➽ Junior Telecom Officer (Civil)
➽ Junior Telecom Officer (Electrical)
Essential Qualification:
The Candidates having Qualification BE / BTech or equivalent in Civil / Electrical Engineering and required to appear GATE exam 2019, Opting one paper from selected four disciplines of GATE paper codes i.e. CE & EE.
Age Limits: Candidate shall not be below 18 years and not exceed 30 years as on the last date of receipt of Online applications from the candidates. The upper age limit relaxation is as per the standing instructions of Government of India rules.
Scale of Pay: The JTO (T) (Junior Telecom Officer Telecom) be appointed in the IDA pay scale Executive [E-1] of Rs.16,400 – Rs.40,500/- with annual increment @ 3% of basic pay plus IDA, HRA, Perks, Medical Benefits, etc. admissible as per BSNL Company rules.
Application Fees: The prescribed examination fee of 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) for OC/OBC candidates and of 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) for SC/ST candidates shall be paid through online mode i.e. Internet Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card only for "BSNL Recruitment for Junior Telecom Officer (Civil & Electrical)".
Selection Process:
Accordingly, on the declaration of GATE-2019 result, a Circle wise merit list shall be prepared by BSNL on the basis of GATE - 2019 score/marks obtained by the registered candidates & available vacancies thereof in the respective Circles. The cutoff of the merit list for appointment will be decided by the company.
BSNL shall not conduct any further Examination/ interview etc. for the selection of the candidates for the recruitment of Direct JTO(T) in BSNL.
The appearance of the name in BSNL’s merit-list does/will not confer any right on the candidate for employment. A final call/appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.
BSNL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies of "BSNL Recruitment for Junior Telecom Officer (Civil & Electrical)" as per Circle’s requirement.
How to Apply:
This application/registration is required towards the candidature for the post of JTO(T) (Junior Telecom Officer Telecom) in BSNL through Valid GATE 2019 Score.
Candidates applying for JTO(T)( Junior Telecom Officer Telecom) posts are required to apply online for which link shall be provided through BSNL website
Therefore, candidates are advised to visit our web site ( / for any updates regarding Examination.
Important dates:
GATE 2019 Online Application:
Start of GATE Registration through GOAPS: 01/09/2018.
Closing Date for submission of online application: 21/09/2018.
Extended Closing Date for submission of online application: 01/10/2018.
BSNL Online Application:
Opening date of online submission of applications & application fees: Available Soon!
Important Links: