Big news for jobs! You don't have to wait for 5 years for gratuity, you will get the money in that time.

The five-year condition for gratuity may expire as soon as it flows. In addition, those who work on a fixed term will also get gratuity. The major labor reforms involved are soon to be approved.
The five-year condition for gratuity may expire as soon as it flows. In addition, those who work on a fixed term will also get gratuity. The major labor reforms involved are soon to be approved.The condition of 5 years working will be removed giving relief in gratuity rules. Gratuity will no longer require you to work in any company for five years. Those who work for 1 year will also get gratuity. The time limit condition for gratuity may be waived. The more days you work now, the more gratuity you will get. People with fixed term will also get the benefit of gratuity. However, the time limit is not mentioned in the Social Security Code. Parliament's standing committee is expected to submit a report this month. The government will seek the approval of Parliament on the Labor Code. Setting a 1-year limit will bring relief to millions of employees.