CM Rupani's big announcement: 8 to 4 shops will open outside the container area, Panmawa shops will also be allowed.

Big discount given by Gujarat government in lockdown 4, find out in which areas of the state trade can be opened?
Gandhinagar: With the announcement of major concessions in Lockdown 4.0, the central government empowered the states to implement the lockdown on their own. The Government of Gujarat has given a big leeway in pursuit of this power. Addressing the people of the state from Gandhinagar, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has given a waiver in the lockdown. Chief Minister Rupani said that all the people cooperated a lot with the government, all the people did their duty day and night in this war regardless of themselves. I congratulate everyone on this day. Thank you. Our fight against Corona is still a long one. We have to defeat the virus. It takes a lot of effort. With this, the 55-day lockdown, if all the activities of the poor, workers, peasants, middle class people are stopped, they will also face all the problems. We want to keep the economy afloat and prevent corona.
State divided into containment and non-containment zones
Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said the state has been divided into containment and non-containment zones. Nothing but essential services will be allowed in the Containment Zone when business is started in the Non-Containment Zone. Shops will be open in non-containment areas from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Trade and business will also open in West Ahmedabad Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has announced that while there is a lockdown in the whole of Ahmedabad, it is allowed to open business in West Ahmedabad. Shops will be open by odd-even number during 8-4 in the morning.
Know where the shoe will open? Masks will be available at Amul Parlors
2) Ahmedabad is divided into East and West. There is no exemption in the East.
3) All over Gujarat ST. Will start but no entry in Ahmedabad / Auto rickshaw also allowed
4) People who were waiting got a discount: Pan-Mawa, Salon and Beauty Parlor. Rules for this announced
5) Industries with diamond and textile were allowed in Surat.
6) A story can be like that. What will open? What not (Most of the items in the list are not open as per the guidelines of the Central Government)
7) What are the containment and non-containment zones? This list can then be declared the
Hair Salon and Beauty Parlor approval
has been given permission for non kanteinamenta heraparlana zone, beauty parlors and salunone. Shops in these areas will be open from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm and trade is allowed but social distance will have to be taken care of.
Chief Minister Rupani unveiled the guidelines prepared by the Gujarat government. Containment and non-containment zones have been declared in the state based on the current status of Green Zone and Orange Zone as well as Red Zone. There will be big concessions for doing business in the state from Tuesday, May 19 tomorrow.
Everything in the state will be closed from 7.00 pm to 7.00 am
Meanwhile, according to a big announcement made by the government, everything in the state will be closed from 7.00 pm to 7.00 am. All trade and business in the state will be banned during this time.