Corona's 'medicine of life', these 5 drugs, patients recovering around the world.
These five drugs have been shown to be very effective in combating coronavirus, and have been shown to save many lives.
Ramdesivir: The Gilead Sciences company that made Ramdesivir has long approved the use of this drug on a patient with Covid-19. This is an antiviral drug. Five drug companies from India and Pakistan have been awarded contracts to manufacture the drug. This drug slows down the transition to the body. Because of this medicine patients are now recovering in 4 days instead of 15 days.
Sepsivek medicine: According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, Sepsyvek medicine is used in leprosy. This drug can reduce the mortality rate of Kovid-19 patients.
Favipirvir: Favipirvir is used to treat the deadly influenza virus. According to reports, Favipirvir may soon be used in India for the treatment of corona. This drug works to prevent the infection from spreading to the rest of the body.
Hydroxychloroquine: The Indian Council of Medical Research advised the use of hydroxychloroquine for health workers suffering from corona. The drug has also been exported to several countries, including the United States, Brazil and Israel. However, a recent study found that hydroxychloroquine is not as effective against Covid-19. However, it is still being used in many places.
lasma Therapy: Plasma therapy has recently been shown to be helpful in treating corona viruses. Plasma therapy involves taking plasma from the patient's body and transplanting it into the patient's body. These become corona-fighting antibodies in the body of an infected patient. The researchers say that this therapy is very effective in patients.