Diksha Portal Get COVID-19 Basic Training for Latest Circular Of Bhavnagar Date-14/05/2020
DIKSHA means Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing which is the National Teacher Platform, an initiative of the MHRD, and is accessible online at https://diksha.gov.in and through the DIKSHA android application and through the DIKSHA desktop application, and any includes other sub-domains / extended domains of DIKSHA.
Covid-19 Basic Training
Teachers can access relevant personalised professional development training anytime and anywhere Teachers in Schools can use the curriculum-linked resources to prepare for class or use them to teach in the class, while Teacher Educators in TEIs can use it to deliver blended training
Student Teachers in TEIs and cnel can use standardised observation tools on the NTP to provide need-based coaching support to teachers and do continuous training-needs analysis.
NTP infrastructure shared amongst many states will avoid duplication of efforts and save costs
Teachers will have access to their own personalised workspace where they can plan and track their progress including courses completed, performance in tests etc.