NCERT New Syllabus 2020-21 For Std 9 To 12.

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children which has been hugely successful and hence the need to strengthen the structure of secondary education across the country. The campaign (RMSA) is also said to have launched plans to implement it at a total cost of Rs.20,120 crore during the 11th Plan.
The goal for secondary education is to make good quality education available, accessible and accessible to all young people between the ages of 14-18. With this goal in mind, the following should be achieved:
To provide secondary education within a reasonable distance of any residence, which should be 5 kilometers for secondary schools and 7-10 kilometers for higher secondary schools.
Ensuring universal access to secondary education from 2017 (100% GER), and Universal stabilization from 2020
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NCERT New Syllabus 2020-21 For Std 9 To 12