Important / If you work 15 minutes more from 1st April, it will be counted as overtime! It is important to know about this new rule.
Under the new labor law, if any employee is made to work more than 15 minutes, the company will have to pay overtime. According to the draft, working hours will be increased to 12. The Modi government is preparing to implement these new rules across the country from April 1, 2021. Significantly, this is the first time in the country's 73-year history that labor laws have been changed in this way. The government claims that it will be beneficial for both the employer and the workers.
New rules for overtime.
According to the new rules of overtime, if an employee works more than 15 minutes after working hours, it will be considered as overtime. Earlier this time was half an hour. Provisions have also been made not to force the employee to work for more than five hours whether he is on contract or standing. The company will be required to give him a half-hour break every five hours.Also, this break time will also be added to working hours. At the same time, companies have laid down rules for making canteens necessary for employees and appointing welfare officers to implement government schemes in a robust manner.
If the new labor law comes into force on April 1, you will have a big change in your gratuity, PF and working hours. Employees' gratuity and provident fund (PF) will increase. At the same time, on-hand salary will go down but the money earned on retirement may go up. The balance sheets of companies will also be affected.