If you have not received salary in Utility / Lockdown, you can call this toll free number by hiding your name. Find out which companies have registered a complaint against.
If the owner of a company, mall, hotel, shop, establishment or show room has not paid any employee during the lockdown, these employees can lodge a complaint by hiding their name on the toll free number 18003456526 prepared by the labor department.
Salary not found in lockdown
Complain by keeping your name anonymous on this toll free number
The government has asked employees to pay full wages of the lockdown.
Corona has caused a state of lockdown across the country. The Central and State Governments have ordered that the owners of each company and institution should pay the full pay of the lockdown to the employees so that their family's sustenance does not become a problem of nutrition. But many company owners and contractors have not complied with the government order.
Orders were made to pay salaries by April 7
Employees were to be paid by April 7. An order was also issued by the labor department in this regard but so far the employees of several companies have not received their salaries. There have been more than 30 complaints in Kolhan in which employees have not been paid.Apart from this, there has also been a case of a security employee losing his job by a Vijod agency. The competent department has sent a show cause notice to the organizations to resolve the complaint and ordered immediate payment of salaries to the employees. After this, the veracity of whether the employees got paid or not is also being checked.
Not to be fired will have to give a letter of guarantee
If an employee of a company complains of non-receipt of wages against his employer or sensor, he has to pay the employees along with a letter of guarantee that the complainant cannot be fired. If not, they will be prosecuted by the Labor Department.
Complaints have been lodged against these companies
Tin Plate Company, Sakchi-based Raymond Showroom, Vijod Security Agency, Steel Strip Wheels, Gamhariya-based Multi Tech Pvt Ltd, RP Industries, Kohinoor Steel Plant and Asia Homes.
If any employee does not get paid during the lockdown, he can call the toll free number without any fear. If the complainant wants to keep his name secret, he can do so. So far, the company is being prosecuted for all those who have complained.