Statement / BIG NEWS: Will lock down happen again in a Gujarat? See in the statement given by the Health Minister.
As the vaccination of the children has a started from today across in the country, including the state, the Health Minister of the Gujarat made an a important statement are regarding the lock down in a Gujarat in the vaccination program at the Ahmadabad.
Health Minister Hrishikesh Patel's in a big statement
There is no consideration of the lock down in a Gujarat
Lock down should not be a done considering in the economic condition of the general public
A mega drive of the corona vaccination for a teenagers aged 15 to 18 across the state has a started from today at the Ahmadabad in a Civil Hospital. Health Minister Hrishikeshbhai Patel inaugurated the vaccination program for a teenagers by a attending in the Corona Vaccination Center at the Civil Hospital, Asia's largest Civil Mediocrity campus. He then made an a important statement about in the lock down in a Gujarat.
No consideration of the lock down in a Gujarat: Rishikeshbhai Patel
Regarding to the lock down in a Gujarat, the Health Minister said that there is no consideration of the lock down in the state at the present. Gujarat is a fully open and it is a desirable to the remain fully open. At the same time, he said, given the economic condition of the general public, lock down is not a possible now.
More than 90% of the citizens were are given the first dose of the vaccine
On the occasion, the Health Minister said that under the leadership of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Corona Vaccination Campaign was a launched across in the country from January 15, 2021. As a result of the strong planning across in the country, more than 90% of the citizens have been a provided protection by a giving first dose of the vaccine. An a estimated 5% of the citizens in the state have also been a given the first dose of the corona vaccine.
Commencement of the Corona Vaccination Mega Drive in a Gujarat
After a handing over in the vaccine to the teenagers, the Health Minister said that under in the guidance of the Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel, a mega drive of the corona vaccination has been a organized for an a estimated 3 lakh children between the ages of the 15 and 18 in the state today. Under this mega drive, other students and the teenagers, including those from state schools, will be a vaccinated against coronavirus vaccine. The state-wide Corona Vaccine Mega Drive, which runs from a January 3 to 9, has made a concerted effort to the ensure that not a single teenager in the state is a deprived of the benefits of the vaccine.
Currently, the first dose of the covariant vaccine will be a given to children in the age group of the 15 to 18 years under this campaign. For which are sufficient quantity of the vaccine has been a made available in the state. Vaccination sessions have been a organized by a operating more than 205 centers in the state. Doctors and children including a Health Commissioner Shri Jayaprakash Shivahare, Civil Superintendent Dr Rakesh Joshi, Additional Doctor Rajneesh Patel were present at the Civil Hospital on the occasion of the commencement of the corona vaccination to the teenagers.